CAHS facilitates cooperation among independent humanistic associations to pursue projects and campaigns of wider interest or application than the local or particular focus of each separate organisation. CAHS also supports researching and developing the historic, philosophical, social, psychological, political, ethical and practical sources and potentials of Humanism. Projects might include seminars, think-tanks, articles and monographs, specialised journals, affinity groups, essay awards and the like.
What is Humanism?
Humanism is an approach to life which seeks happiness and fulfilment through care for others, and through realisation of each individual human being’s best potential. It is an outlook which seeks answers to questions of meaning and ethics in life from an exploration of human potential rather than from the supernatural. We believe that the solutions to the world’s problems lie in human thought, compassion, and the scientific method. The Amsterdam Declaration is considered to be the definitive statement of modern humanism.
The journal Australian Humanist is now available on the Humanists Australia website.
Fiona Patten MLC is Australian Humanist of the Year 2020
In recognition of her energetic work in the Victorian parliament, driving liberal reforms by appealing to reasoned evidence and using pragmatic consultation to overcome long-standing prejudice. Her achievements in leading debate and securing legislation on many issues of concern to Humanists, particularly end of life, abortion safety, sexual health and drugs of addiction, have been outstanding.
Now is the time for Just and Fair Economic Reform
The coronavirus pandemic has brought fresh challenges, and accelerated transformations that were already occurring in the economy. Bold changes, focussed on inclusion and economic justice were already long overdue, and can no longer be postponed. A reimagined social contract is needed. The three core elements of this new social contract are Jobs creation + Universal social dividend + Tax reform: JUsT.
Don’t Divide US
The Council of Australian Humanist Societies has been working with the Rationalist Society of Australia, the Atheist Foundation of Australia, the NSW Rationalist Association, Humanists Victoria, Sydney Atheists, the National Secular Lobby and the Australian Skeptics to launch #DontDivideUs, a campaign raising awareness about the dangerous and far-reaching consequences of the Government’s proposed Religious Discrimination Bill.
Read the Media Release here.
Community In Adversity
Image courtesy CSIRO [CC BY (]
During times of crisis like our summer of bushfires it is our sense of community and our love and compassion for other people that can help us carry on. The very act of reaching out to others can help us deal with our own feelings of grief and rage. If you’d like to know how you can help, this article from a survivor of the Black Saturday bushfires has some practical suggestions. Or just reach out to someone and ask them how they are doing.
And remember, even if you haven’t been directly affected, your feelings are valid and you deserve whatever kindness you can give yourself.
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