The ACT Humanist Society (ACTHS)
The ACT Humanist Society Inc (ACTHS) is Australai's newest and one of its fastest growing humanist societies. Its focus is on building humanist community as well as policy advocacy.
ACTHS: website
ACTHS website membership page
General information about ACTHS:
The objects of ACTHS are:
- Promote, advocate and educate about Humanism as a philosophy of life.
- Encourage and support humanists and others to explore the deeper meaning of Humanism and to live in ways consistent with Humanist values.
- Explore and develop ways in which Humanism can provide a foundation and/or ongoing motivation for community building, engagement and involvement, particularly in Canberra and the surrounding areas. This includes both self-identified Humanist communities and the broader community.
- Encourage an awareness of and the responsibility for the connection and interdependence between human and other life forms, and support the protection of the natural environment for the benefit of all life forms.
- Advocate for, promote and support the dignity, human rights and civil liberties of individuals and groups, especially Humanists and those of no religion experiencing discrimination, in Australia and in other places.
- Provide pastoral care and other charitable services to members of the Humanist community and members of the broader community generally.
- Provide formal endorsement and institutional support, where appropriate, to Humanist activities consistent with these aims.
ACTHS engages in a wide range of activities to promote these objects.